This is MATCH cinematographer Valentin Lilgenau, who approaches each project with a focus on creating a visual narrative that draws the viewer in and leaves a lasting impression.
Valentin's love for storytelling began at an early age, and he quickly discovered his talent for conveying complex emotions and ideas through the camera.
Whether working on a feature film, a commercial, or a music video, Valentin constantly explores new techniques. He is always open to innovative ways to contribute to a project by applying his cinematographic skills.
With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the power of imagery, Valentin is dedicated to crafting visually stunning and emotionally compelling films—pure, sensitive, and story-driven.
Unfortunately, Valentin is not able to do a decent handstand, but he can form a wave with his eyebrows, and we'll keep our fingers crossed that one day, he'll be able to show this skill to Michel Gondry and Sofia Coppola over yummy coffee and croissants - because that is at the top of his bucket list.
Hey Valentin…
Favorite Drink? Soda Zitron
Current state of mind? Curious
Favorite commercial? Squarespace - The singularity
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Favorite Place? Sunshine Coast
Cravings? Seaside
Last watched series? NETFLIX - Beef
What would you do if you weren't afraid? Becoming an astronaut